
发布日期:2020-06-01阅读次数: 696

教授,博士生导师,上海交通大学-博动医学影像技术联合实验室主任。主要从事三维影像技术的研发及血流动力学的临床应用研究。2008年3月开始任职于荷兰Medis 医学影像系统公司应用研究部,并于2012年2月获得荷兰莱顿大学优秀博士学位,2014年回国加入上海交通大学生物医学工程学院陈亚珠院士研究团队,创建心血管影像研究方向。他是QFR、OFR与UFR等序列计算冠脉功能学评估技术的发明人,先后申请国内外发明专利三十余项,主持研发的定量血流分数测量系统AngioPlus,基于光学相干断层成像的定量分析软件OctPlus,基于血管内超声成像的定量分析软件IvusPlus, X射线冠状动脉三维重建与定量分析软件QAngio XA 3D已实现产业化。近5年以第一作者或通讯作者在JACC, European Heart Journal等心血管领域知名期刊发表多篇论文。2017年指导的大学生课外学术科技作品获得“挑战杯”全国一等奖。主持的项目“基于腔内影像的冠脉精准评估系统”获得2019年中国医疗器械创新创业大赛人工智能与软件组一等奖(冠军)。目前担任The International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging期刊副主编,Cardiology Journal、Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Therapy与Journal of Geriatric Cardiology期刊编委,担任JACC、European Heart Journal等二十种国际期刊的审稿专家,曾/现担任TCT、EuroPCR、ACC、CIT、SCC、CBS与CICI等多个心血管介入临床大会的Faculty/主席团成员。获得教育部长江学者、上海市东方学者、上海市优秀技术带头人、美国心脏病学会会士(Fellow,FACC)、欧洲心脏病学会会士(Fellow,FESC)等荣誉称号。

E-mail: sxtu@sjtu.edu.cn







国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目名称:结合计算流体力学与三维光学相干断层成像评价冠心病支架治疗后的局部血流动力学;项目编号:8157020192;时间:2015/1-2016/12。 主持。



1. Chu M, Jia H, Gutiérrez-Chico JL, Maehara A, Ali Z, Zeng Z, He L, Zhao C, Matsumura M, Wu P, Zeng M, Kubo T, Xu B, Chen L, Yu B, Mintz GS, Wijns W, Holm NR, Tu S*. Automatic Characterisation of Human Atherosclerotic Plaque Composition from Intravascular Optical Coherence Tomography Using Artificial Intelligence. EuroIntervention 2021, In press.

2. Yu W, Tanigaki T, Ding D, Wu P, Du H, Ling Li, Huang B, Li G, Yang W, Zhang S, Yan F, Okubo M, Xu B, Matsuo H, Wijns W, Tu S*. Accuracy of Intravascular Ultrasound-based Fractional Flow Reserve in Identifying Hemodynamic Significance of Coronary Stenosis. Circ Cardiovasc Interv. 2021;14:e009840. [view]

3. Tu S#*, Westra J#, Adjedj J#, Ding D, Liang F, Xu B, Holm NR, Reiber H, Wijns W. Fractional Flow Reserve in clinical practice: from wire-based invasive measurement to image-based computation. Eur Heart J 2020; 41, 3271–3279. [view]

4. Huang J, Emori H, Ding D, Kubo T, Yu W, Huang P, Zhang S, Gutiérrez-Chico JL, Akasaka T, Wijns W, Tu S*. Comparison of Diagnostic Performance of Intracoronary Optical Coherence Tomography-based and Angiography-based Fractional Flow Reserve for Evaluation of Coronary Stenosis. EuroIntervention 2020;16:568-576. [view]

5. Li Z, Zhang J*, Xu L, Yang W, Li G,Ding D, Chang Y, Yu M, Kitslaar P, Zhang S, Reiber JHC, Arbab-Zadeh A, Yan F, Tu S*. Diagnostic Accuracy of a Fast Computational Approach to Derive Fractional Flow Reserve from Coronary CT Angiography. J Am Coll Cardiol Img 2020; 13:167-182. [view]

6. Wu P, Gutiérrez-Chico JL, Tauzin H, Yang W, Li Y, Yu W, Chu M, Guillon B, Bai J, Meneveau N, Wijns W, Tu S*. Automatic stent reconstruction in optical coherence tomography based on a deep convolutional model. Biomed Opt Express 2020; 11:3374-3394. [view]

7. Yu W, Huang H, Jia D, Chen S, Raffel OC, Ding D, Tian F, Kan J, Zhang S, Yan Y, Chen Y, Bezerra HG, Wijns W, Tu S*. Diagnostic Accuracy of Intracoronary Optical Coherence Tomography-derived Fractional Flow Reserve for Assessment of Coronary Stenosis Severity. EuroIntervention 2019;15:189-197.[view]
8. Xu B#Tu S#*, Qiao S, Qu X, Chen Y, Yang J, Guo L, Sun Z, Li Z, Tian F, Fang W, Chen J, Li W, Guan C, Holm NR, Wijns W, Hu S*. Diagnostic Accuracy of the Angiography-Based Quantitative Flow Ratio for Online Assessment of Coronary Stenosis. J Am Coll Cardio 2017; 70: 3077-87.[view]
9. Wu X, Von Birgelen C, Takashi M, Li Y, Holm NR, Reiber JHC, Tu S*. A novel four-dimensional angiogrephic approach to assess dynamic superficial wall stress of coronary arteries in vivo: Initial experience in evaluating vessel sites with subsequent plaque rupture. EuroIntervention 2017; 13 (9): 1099-1103. [view]
10. Tu S*, Westra J, Yang J, von Birgelen C, Ferrara A, Pellicano M, Nef H, Tebaldi M, Murasato Y, Lansky A, Barbato E, van der Heijden LC, Reiber JHC, Holm NR, Wijns W,FAVOR Pilot Trial Study Group. Diagnostic Accuracy of Fast Computational Approaches to Derive Fractional Flow Reserve From Diagnostic Coronary Angiography: The International Multicenter FAVOR Pilot Study. J Am CollCardiolInterv 2016; 9:2024–35. [view]
11  Li Y, Gutiérrez-Chico JL, Holm NR, Yang W, Hebsgaard L, Christiansen EH, M?ng M, Lassen JF, Yan F, Reiber JHC, Tu S*.Impact of Side Branch Modeling on Computation of Endothelial Shear Stress in Coronary Artery Disease: Coronary Tree Reconstruction by Fusion of 3D Angiography and OCT. J Am Coll Cardio 2015; 66:125-35. [view]
12. Tu S*, Echavarria-Pinto M, von Birgelen C, Holm NR, Pyxaras SA, Kumsars I, Lam MK, Valkenburg I, Toth GG, Li Y, Escaned J, Wijns W, Reiber JHC. Fractional flow reserve and coronary bifurcation anatomy: A novel quantitative model to assess and report the stenosis severity of bifurcation lesions. J Am CollCardiolInterv 2015; 8:564-74. [view]
13. Tu S*, Barbato E, Koszegi Z, Yang J, Sun Z, Holm NR, Tar B, Li Y, Rusinaru D, Wijns W, Reiber JHC.Fractional flow reserve calculation from 3-dimensional quantitative coronary angiography and TIMIframe count: A fast computer model to quantify the functional significance of moderately obstructed coronary arteries. J Am CollCardiolInterv 2014, 7:768-777.[view]




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